An Alabama album: Nanny and little sis (part 2 of 2)

I’m guessing about the relationships between the sitters in the previous post and this one.  Do you think the baby in the portrait above looks like the one below?

Nanny and kids in Mobile 5

I think this may be the same child, a little older:

Nanny and kids in Mobile 7


Nanny and kids in Mobile 2


A year ago today, I published my first blog post.  To everyone who has read posts, left comments, or simply looked at the pictures, thank you for your attention and your time.  I hope you feel it was well spent, and I hope you’ll continue to stop by.

Cheers!  Brad

19 thoughts on “An Alabama album: Nanny and little sis (part 2 of 2)

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  1. It’s hard to believe your blog is a year old! Congratulations! I hope it continues for a long, long time. I don’t know whether the baby and the little girl are the same–it’s so hard to tell. But I love the images, especially the one with the nanny. How great that the family wanted a picture of her with the baby!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Happy anniversary, Brad! You’ve done some brilliant work this past year. Congratulations!

    Yes, the two babies are definitely the same child. IMNVHO 😆 😊

    I’m pretty sure the second portrait of the child alone, is from a different family. The shape of her head and eyes appear to me to be different.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much, everyone! I plan to continue adding to the blog at a rate of about one post every 5-7 days.

    Regarding the nanny, I had envisioned sharing her portrait as part of a series dedicated to Women’s History Month back in March, but the series didn’t really get beyond the planning stage. I find her portrait aesthetically beautiful, and I also think it would fit very well in a visual narrative about women’s roles in American history.

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  4. First – happy blogiversary! One day I shall catch up with all your posts… I’ve enjoyed all I’ve seen and read but think I’ve still missed a few! 🙂

    A few points on these photos. First, while I might be wrong, I don’t think the woman is African-American. Possibly partly, but not fully.

    The baby with the woman and the baby with the other child, is almost certainly the same.The one in the lower photo isn’t. The two top ones have a very unusual head shape that looks to me like some kind of hydrocephalus. Unfortunately the older child with the baby has the same head formation. The lower one has a normal head shape.


  5. I’m touched by the photo of the child with her Nanny. How often she must have turned to her Nanny’s arms over the growing up years. It was a lovely thing for the family to capture that sweet relationship. And, She was a beautiful little girl. I’m very happy you were so inspired to start this WordPress journey! Take care Brad 😊

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